Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I don't tend to convey emotion as well in prose as I do in verse... I wrote this for my sub, enjoy.

When we sit
together in silence

When we stand
together amid the cacophony
of life in the world outside

When we dance
through the watercolors
raining in the heart and head

When cool soft water
plays across warm skin
in rivulets of leading and desire

When warmth
is exchanged for white hot distraction
that keeps you only in this moment
allowing no other thought to
intrude this space

When cold
becomes an unsettling tether
to the possession
of your body and mind

When the music
does not soothe, but
pounds in your muscles and
rages on your temples

When touch
is no longer gently caring
no longer a reassuring guide
rather each caress
is followed by
the dull throb of raking nails
by the stinging end of
the whip's tail
each touch
feels possessing and taunting

When your heart pounds
more with anticipation
than fear

of the next moment
the next action
the next breath of silence
and unspoken trust

When your face contorts
with the ecstasy of pain
with the joy of willingness
with the peace of giving

When you howl
in the intensity of
each touch...
each breath...
each plea...
each tear...
each thrust...
each sensation...

you are Mine

~Mistress Lane

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